​We are pleased to announce that we will be running a FREE holiday programme once again this February Half Term.
The February Half Term Holiday Club will run for 4 days from Monday 17th to Thursday 20th February 2025.
The programme is for those children currently in Years 3 to 9 (Aged 7-14).
The day will run from 9:30 - 3pm with a FREE breakfast and lunch provided each day.
The registration for this Holiday Programme is now OPEN!
If you wish to sign up your child/children please click on the link below.
You must complete the form for each child.
The programme is government funded and in order to comply with the conditions of the funding we must follow new procedures for participation and registration:
Registration must take place through the MCRactive website. https://www.mcractive.com/find-activity Search under the Provider and type in "Manchester Communication Academy" Here it will display the sessions to book your child on to. If you and your children aren't already members of MCRactive you must sign up (this is free).
In order to qualify for a place on the programme your child MUST be in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM). The system will only allow those children on FSM to register.
Providing there are still places available the system will allow those children not in receipt of FSM to sign up but only 48 hours before the start of the programme.
Your child MUST be a Manchester resident.
Should you encounter any problems or have any queries please get in touch.